Deep Thoughts (Blog)


I can’t change the direction of the
wind, but I can adjust my sails to
always reach my destination

This is the Standard Post Format and it’s a also marked as sticky in WordPress. This mean it will always be the first post.

Constructed in cotton sweat fabric, this lovely piece, lacus eu mattis auctor, dolor lectus venenatis nulla, at tristique eros sem vel ante. Sed leo enim, iaculis ornare tristique non, vulputate sit amet ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean fringilla laoreet mauris lectus pellentesque eu.

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This is the Standard Post Format and it’s a also marked as sticky in WordPress. This mean it will always be the first post.

Constructed in cotton sweat fabric, this lovely piece, lacus eu mattis auctor, dolor lectus venenatis nulla, at tristique eros sem vel ante. Sed leo enim, iaculis ornare tristique non, vulputate sit amet ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean fringilla laoreet mauris lectus pellentesque eu.

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Capitalism versus Socialism is one more principled than the other. In this day in age oddly Socialism appears to be a dirty word to those who do not realize they are direct benefactors of many of the services it creates, instead Socialism becomes synonymous with inefficient, distain, defective, weak, incapable and lazy. In contrast, Capitalism appears to be held in high regard, synonymous with respect, determination, purpose, hard work, strength and admiration. How did these assumptions come to be; the influx of opinions from the news media, selfishness, politics, emergence or sustainment of a caste system, the struggle for class superiority, a distraction to real issues or merely a lack of understanding?

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This is the Standard Post Format and it’s a also marked as sticky in WordPress. This mean it will always be the first post.

Constructed in cotton sweat fabric, this lovely piece, lacus eu mattis auctor, dolor lectus venenatis nulla, at tristique eros sem vel ante. Sed leo enim, iaculis ornare tristique non, vulputate sit amet ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean fringilla laoreet mauris lectus pellentesque eu.

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Don’t get bamboozled by public opinion polls! For those readers who are not familiar with the term bamboozled, it means don’t be deceived, don’t let someone or something get the better of you by trickery or flattery. Currently there are 17 declared Republicans and 5 declared Democrats who are running for the 2016 presidential election, yet out of the 22 it appears that the news media predominantly covers Donald Trump. Why is this, is it his proclaimed poll numbers? Incidentally, should Americans take public opinion polls for face value? In theory, when done correctly polls consist of strict rules about sample size, random selection of participants and margins of error.

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I was recently moved by a speech I heard given by a remarkable Michigan State graduating senior. I suspect the powerful words uttered that day will resonate in me forever. Here is a partial insert from that astonishing speech:

“In our uniqueness’ lies our strength………

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